Coaching contract/
Terms and Conditions


Coach and coachee commit to a coaching & support process 'Compassionate Inquiry' (Gabor Mate method), in which the coach may also use other resources that are tailored to personal themes that are discussed in the sessions and consist of reliable and validated instruments.

  • The sessions take place via Zoom, unless otherwise agreed. The coach will send a Zoom link before the start of each session.
  • The times and locations of the sessions are always determined in consultation (via email or app).
  • An invoice for the agreed coaching process will be sent via email after the intake interview.
  • Naturally, there is the possibility of a follow-up program of x number of sessions.
  • Each individual session the coach will ask whether there is a specific objective for the session (or intention). This can be the same several times, or vary each time.
  • At the end of the process, the coach sends an evaluation form to the coachee that can be completed without obligation and is educational for both the coachee and the coach. Only the coachee's initials are used, the email address can be entered without obligation.
  • The coach only supports the coachee's own process and choices, although a range of options may be discussed to support the coachee's process of increasing insight and awareness. However, the coachee remains responsible at all times for his own behavior and its consequences. The coach is not responsible, let alone liable, for decisions to be taken or already made or changes in the life of the coachee.
  • This process only leads to an obligation on the part of the coach to fulfill his or her obligations in such a way as can be expected of the coach according to standards of care and craftsmanship according to the standards at the time of compliance.
  • The coach is affiliated with NOBCO (Dutch Order of Professional Coaches) and complies with the International Code of Ethics and NOBCO's Complaints Regulations.
  • The general terms and conditions in this contract apply to this and all subsequent offers and agreements, unless otherwise stated above.

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