Personal, open, inspiring

I often get feedback that I am personal, open, and inspiring in my contact with clients. I have been through a lot myself, (almost) nothing surprises me anymore. I stand firmly on my feet and like to make my positive contribution to the life path of others, just as it has been done for me.

'During the sessions I was given space for emotions (even ones I didn't know I had), which made me feel so relieved afterward and even now I enjoy this feeling.'

'I felt comfortable talking to Ariane about things I hadn't talked to anyone about before.'

'I know my own 'escape routes' all too well, with Ariane's guidance and support I have learned to stay with (the uncomfortable) that surfaces and to continue digging calmly. 'I feel more clarity and peace.'

Mind, heart, body

As a coach, I support you in finding your way back to your authentic self, to your inner strength and wisdom. Also towards more zest for life. This requires awareness, only then can you get to your essence. Who are you apart from what has shaped and continues to shape you? During our sessions I mainly use Gabor Mate's Compassionate Inquiry approach to achieve this awareness. By calmly asking you the right questions and bringing you into contact with your body, we uncover and give attention and space to what is deeply hidden inside and causes blockages. Your body and heart tell the story just as much as your mind.

‘I experience Compassionate Inquiry as a connecting, liberating, and deeply healing modality.' 'Ariane helps me distinguish between my child part and my adult part. This helps me cope better in daily life, knowing who is 'talking'.' 'I understand (and hear) retroactively what I needed as a child and did not get, how I can still 'be with her' now, give her myself what she did not get.' 'I can now look at my childhood from an adult perspective, from my present self. I can feel and see past experiences and perceptions (beliefs) with more self-compassion, and become much less entangled.'

‘Feeling is healing’

In Heeten or from your home via Zoom

Number of sessions and location

I prefer to work in a sequence of 5 sessions of 60 to 75 minutes, more if necessary. After that I am open to 'maintenance' if desired.

I work in both Dutch and English, in my practice in Deventer (Heeten), or via Zoom. I have noticed that the latter works just as effectively, sometimes even more effectively if you like to stay in your own cozyness.


I try to make it possible for everyone to be coached by me because I wish for each human being to be able to grow and blossom like a magnolia tree.



For every budget

Space, oxygen, clarity and tranquility

Client experiences

'I appreciate this way of coaching because of the respect, the peace and the space.' 'Ariane never led me anywhere I didn't want to go.'

'It was important for me to find a deeper layer than I found in previous work on myself. I got there!''

'Thank you for your support. My sessions with you are important to me.' 'I think your work is great, for me even better than that of other therapists I have worked with, simply because it is clear with how much love you support me.'

'I feel like I have accomplished so much in such a short time.'

'I was able to access feelings that I had not discovered before. They helped me understand why I react to my parents like I do. Now I want and can change that.'

'Step by step Ariane took me through my emotional healing process. I never had before discussed my emotions or feelings with anyone.  I always try to show a strong face. Inside it hurts, even though I did not realize this. Ariane, you opened your big heart to walk with me. I feel now safer in my life in general. In addition, you taught me to listen to my body, what it wants.'



Contact me for a no-obligation telephone appointment.

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